About the project
Company Overview
Central California Food Bank (formerly Community Food Bank) had outgrown its name, as it had expanded its reach beyond just the Fresno community and into the Central Valley. With a new name and a newly expanded warehouse, they also needed a new website. They have a huge impact and a track record of effective stewardship of donations. $1 provides 7 meals.
Their website was outdated, and not user-friendly. It didn’t effectively portray their size, reach, and the enormous impact that they make on a regular basis. It also didn’t effectively communicate the problem of food insecurity within the California Central Valley, that is, 1 in 3 families experience food insecurity. Additionally, the Online Donation process was too cumbersome, with a lot of steps involved. Donors had to leave the website and go to a different site in order to donate.
Needs Identified
Central California Food Bank needed to improve the user’s experience for online donations via their website.
Work Performed
Worldlight Media stepped in with Story Branding: “Give them nourishment today so they can thrive tomorrow.” Also, Worldlight Media designed and developed a new website for Central California Food Bank. Worldlight Media also custom-built a web application that allows people to search for food distribution locations in their area. Finally, Worldlight Media custom-built a donation experience that offers donors the option to give monthly instead of just one time.
Solutions Created
Now, Central California Food Bank has a more user-friendly website. They receive both more online donations and more monthly recurring donations. Plus, website traffic has increased and there is a lower bounce rate.

Central California Food Bank Provides Nourishment
Did you know that $1 provides 7 meals+ in Central California?
Partner with the Central California Food Bank to provide nourishment today so others can thrive tomorrow. You’ll not only help fight hunger but also support self-sufficiency. Plus, provide community leadership on issues related to hunger.
The Central California Food Bank takes stretching your dollar to a level few can do on their own. They serve almost 300,000 people per month. Distribute almost 40 million pounds of food every year. And 50% of the food is fresh produce.
Get involved: Either donate, volunteer, become a partner or attend events. And feed hope!