Fresno Pacific University
About the project
The Fresno Pacific University Foundation received a large donation in the form of an art collection they could sell in order to raise money for the FPU Foundation.
However, they also needed a website to display the artwork. Additionally, they needed a way to accept online donations.
So, Worldlight Media stepped in with solutions. WLM created a website where people could view the artwork for sale and make online donations.
The FPU Foundation offers a variety of ways to give and to make a difference. All donations benefit both the donor and the university.
Through planned giving, donors change lives, not just others, but their own.
Donors can achieve personal goals. For example, donors can cut overall taxes, increase personal income, and give students a quality education – an education based on Biblical values.
The FPU Foundation knows that a strong financial base is necessary in order to guarantee both educational excellence and protect FPU from financial pressures.
So, they accept gifts come from traditional sources – both trusts and real estate, and non-traditional sources – art, automobiles, and collectibles.
Heritage Society
The Heritage Society includes generous friends who have named either FPU or the FPU Foundation in planned gifts. For example, either a will or a lifetime donation. Additional examples include insurance money, living trusts, an IRA donation, and an annuity/trust.
The Heritage Society celebrates generous friends during an annual dinner.
They also receive regular mailings, e-mails, and access to the FPU Foundation website. These resources provide up-to-date information on tax changes. Plus, issues related to estate planning.
Foundation Services
- Planned Giving – effective giving for the best tax advantages.
- Annuities – a meaningful gift and an income.
- Trusts – helpful to those of moderate means.
- Wills – the best planning tool.
- Estate planning – an organized approach to ensure your wishes.
- Real estate planning – a convenient way to make a gift.