Mark A. Broughton, PC
About the project
Mark A. Broughton, PC, Fresno’s Criminal Defense Attorney, needed a Website Design,as well as a logo.
Mark Broughton also needed headshots, in addition to both content branding and a way for prospects to find him online.
So, Worldlight Media (WLM) created a Website Design specific to Fresno’s Criminal Defense Attorney.
WLM created Search Engine Optimized (SEO) Landing Pages. So, both prospects and clients could find Mark online.
Worldlight Media created a storybranded one-liner for Mark Broughton to draw in those who need a criminal defense attorney. The storybranded one-liner, “When you’re afraid that you might lose everything, you need the best legal representation possible.”, tells users what Mark Broughton does and how it can make their life better.
Worldlight also designed a logo for Mark A. Broughton, PC. Plus, provided both photography and a video background.
Mark Broughton fights for his clients. He has been a Defense Attorney for 40+ years.
He has represented thousands of people accused of crimes. For example: Violent Felonies, Federal Crimes, White Collar Crimes, Violent Crimes, Murder, Gang Crimes and Sex Crimes to name a few.
Mark began his legal career in San Diego. Then, he practiced criminal law, civil litigation, and personal injury. After a very successful, 17-year practice in San Diego, he moved his family to Fresno, California.
Since that time, he has practiced criminal law exclusively. Mark was the Chief Defense Attorney for a 17-attorney criminal defense law firm.
They handled 3 – 4,000 felony cases a year. Then, he left that firm to both associate and partner with a very successful criminal law practitioner.
That’s where he continues his commitment help protect the Constitutional Rights of his clients.
He has received many outright Not Guilty verdicts for his clients. Between 2005-2007, the jury found his clients Not Guilty in four separate cases in a row.
He has handled all kinds of both criminal and related criminal proceedings. Everything from violation of probation and parole hearings to DMV hearings, writs & appeals, and many other types of proceedings in the criminal process.
Mark has practiced all over California in both state and Federal Court.
He is qualified as a death penalty lawyer. Plus, he’s on the special circumstances/death penalty panel of attorneys in Fresno, California. There, he is regularly appointed to special circumstances/death penalty murder cases by the Fresno County Superior Court.
One of his greatest pleasures is to both teach and train young lawyers and law students.
Most of them have gone on to be successful lawyers in their own right and have triumphantly represented their own clients in an honest and professional way.